DANCE Code of Conduct

All NERVE activities are approached with professionalism and integrity. We are committed to providing a safe, welcoming and nurturing environment that seeks to not only instil a love and passion for dance in our students, but to develop the following  important life skills and values:

  • Respect

  • Commitment

  • Inclusivity

  • Diversity

  • Reliability

  • Teamwork Skills

To ensure a happy and positive experience for everybody involved, it is important that students, parents (including carers or legal guardians), extended friends and family members and staff understand and comply with the below.

Student etiquette

  • Demonstrate respect for teachers, parents, staff and other students at all times.

  • Arrive at least five minutes prior to your scheduled class.

  • Present to class in a tidy and well-groomed manner with hair tied back neatly off the face. Ballet buns are required for all ballet classes.

  • Dance uniforms and dance shoes must be worn for classes, where specified. School uniform is not appropriate dance attire and therefore not permitted. Teachers may refuse entry to dancers not groomed appropriately.

  • Bring a bottle of water to every class.

  • Attend class regularly unless ill or injured, or in the event of a family emergency.

  • Competition teams are to honour prior commitments made to the studio by attending classes, rehearsals and performances above other social events.

  • Serve as a role model to younger dancers at all times, including appropriate language and behaviour.

  • Mobile phones should be switched off or on silent mode and are not to be used during class unless permitted by your teacher for filming/rehearsing at home purposes.

  • Put rubbish in the bins provided and clean up after yourself.

  • Show respect and care for studio equipment and facilities.

  • Ask for help if you need it – we are here for you.

Parent (including carers or legal guardians) etiquette

  • Demonstrate respect for teachers, students, staff and other parents at all times.

  • Take responsibility to read email updates and keep up-to-date with current activities and important information.

  • Ensure siblings are supervised at all times, equipment is treated with care and the waiting areas are left tidy.

  • Refrain from entering either dance studio unless invited by a teacher. This includes studios not in use and extends to siblings. Please utilise the NERVE reception area while classes are running.

  • Understand and support the NERVE approach by encouraging children to show commitment and positivity while working to the best of their own ability.

  • Refrain from taking photographs or video without permission.

  • Respect our approach to establishing and maintaining professional relationships with our students and parents by ensuring all contact is made via the office in person, by phone, email or NERVE social media accounts.

  • Raise any concerns with a teacher or staff member by making an appointment through the above contact channels.

Staff and volunteers must not:

  • Develop any ‘special’ relationships with children that could be seen as favouritism (for example, the offering of gifts or special treatment for specific children);

  • Exhibit behaviours with children which may be construed as unnecessarily physical (for example inappropriate sitting on laps);

  • Put children at risk of abuse (for example, by locking doors);

  • Engage in open discussions of a mature or adult nature in the presence of children (for example, personal social activities);

  • Use inappropriate language in the presence of children;

  • Express personal views on cultures, race or sexuality in the presence of children;

  • Discriminate against any child in relation to culture, race, ethnicity or disability;

  • Have contact with a child or their family outside of our organisation without NERVE’s knowledge and/or consent (for example, no babysitting). Accidental contact (such as seeing people in the street) is appropriate.

Disciplinary actions

  • Inappropriate, disrespectful or aggressive behaviour by students, parents (including carers or legal guardians), extended friends and family, staff or volunteers will not be tolerated and may result in immediate cancellation of enrolment with no refund or further discussion or immediate termination of employment or contract.

  • A breach of the Code of Conduct will result in one written warning. Further breaches may result in immediate cancellation of enrolment with no refund or further discussion or immediate termination of employment or contract.

  • NERVE is a Child Safe environment committed to understanding and abiding by the NSW Office of the Children's Guardian . Information on these standards is available at